Making a CQC Complaint

Complaint Stages

Directly to the Care Provider

CQC Investigation

Case Study background

Carol’s son Jack was 35 and had a learning disability. He was living in a supported living with a rotation of carers coming to support him and another resident.

Jack had a diet plan from his Speech and Language Therapist and had to be supervised while eating. Carol had previously raised concerns that the staff were not cutting up Jack’s food small enough, as Jack liked to eat quickly and had been known to swallow large pieces of food.

When Jack was eating his lunch, his carer was called away from the table to see to his housemate. While alone, Jack choked on a piece of his food.

When the ambulance arrived, paramedics had to pronounce Jack dead at the scene.

Carol feels let down that the carer did not adhere to the specific eating plan that the Speech and Language Therapist had given to Jack to keep him safe. She has concerns that this could happen again if changes are not made.

How to get help with making a complaint

Rachel’s Voice

If you would like some initial assistance, and feel that a lack of learning disability accommodation caused the death of someone you know, Rachel’s Voice can help frame a complaint, help you look at any records, and assist you with that phase of an investigation. When the response comes through, we can help you understand it and raise any further questions before a meeting takes place. 

We recommend time is taken to view the report with an adviser before any meeting so you are able to think about what questions the report has raised and that you have had time to consider the findings.